02 Jan 2020   |   by AapKa Dog

Potty Train a Puppy

The biggest question of all the puppy owners asks the first that my puppy does pee and potty everywhere in the house. How do we overcome this behavior?

So here are a few things you need to know. Firstly your house is new to your puppy. So he will try to mark his territory.

So he will pee everywhere in your house to leave his smell as he notifies that this is his territory. Very few furry owners knows such things. Also, there is a difference between an adult dog and a puppy.

Puppies are unable to control their bladder or bowel as they are in the development stage. As they are growing they are having a bundle of energy and have a high metabolism. As a result, they will eliminate food or water intake immediately after having that.

So now you need to decide things like would you allow him to pee in the house? If yes then decide a spot of your house, so accordingly to that spot you can train him.

Let’s say you have decided the washroom as a spot that he always use that. So once he does pee in your house somewhere what you can do is sock a paper in his pee and put that in some corner of your washroom. Now next time if you see a sign of it than direct him to the spot. We need more practice for this and he will learn very quickly. And most import thing your patience is a must while teaching.

Here are a few tips which will help you to house train your puppy in a very nice way:

Walking Out
Image Courtesy Gogsaholic
Take him out as much as possible

As we discussed puppies have an extremely weak bladder and as a result, they relieve themselves very quickly.

So as a pet parent you need to take care that if a puppy has just finished a meal or was playing for a while and not had been relieved since a bit then take him out for the bathroom.

So slowly your puppy will learn that eventually going out after a meal or playing is a time for the bathroom. So can also reward him with a treat for his good behavior of peeing out.

Observe his relieving sign

You have to observe your puppy for his relieving sign. Commons signs are circling a particular spot, sniffing a particular spot. As soon as you see signs take your puppy out. And that’s it.

Find a nearby relevant place

As we discussed all the puppies have weak and growing blader. And mostly all the puppies and dogs have a small litter area outside your apartment or home.

So it is worth finding a small place in case of a hurry your puppy can relieve himself in that place instead of having an incident of doing it in the middle of the road or in the apartment itself.

Puppy Schedule
Image Courtesy AKC
May be to set a schedule

You can set a schedule for the puppy after his meal take him out to relieve himself. So slowly your pup will be used to the schedule and learn that after the mealtime is to go for relieving.

This will be helpful to you also for your schedules.

Even you can develop some command

As outside there are lots of smells. So puppies may get fascinated by that and forget to do their business.

So you can reinforce him with some command like "go poop", "go potty" or any of your convenience and ya it may depend upon the language you want to develop a bond in.

Give a reward

House training is like all things must be awarded more generously. So for each and every good behavior, your pup must be awarded a treat or food of his choice.

So he knows that if I behave well i will get a reward. So that is a great way to inspire him towards good habits.

Rewarding a Puppy
Give a reward

House training is like all things must be awarded more generously. So for each and every good behavior, your pup must be awarded a treat or food of his choice.

So he knows that if I behave well i will get a reward. So that is a great way to inspire him towards good habits.

Some more important tips

Do not scold him if any incident happened accidentally that he relieved himself in the house. Remember everything is about patience.

Clean up immediately is accidentally he relieved in the house itself. There are lots of odor removers are in the market. If the urine or poop smell is not fully eliminated from that spot than he might consider that place as the relieving point next time.

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